A Post-Wedding checklist for wedding planners

A Post-Wedding checklist for wedding planners
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A comprehensive post-wedding checklist for wedding planners in the UK:

Immediately After the Wedding:
□ Oversee venue cleanup
□ Collect and safely store gifts
□ Gather personal items left behind by guests
□ Ensure hired items are returned to vendors
□ Collect marriage certificate (if available)

Within the First Week:
□ Coordinate return of hired attire (suits, accessories)
□ Arrange for wedding dress cleaning and preservation
□ Organise safe return of borrowed items
□ Follow up with vendors for final payments
□ Begin compiling list for thank-you notes

1-2 Weeks After:
□ Assist couple in reviewing and selecting photographs
□ Help organise professional cleaning of wedding rings
□ Coordinate shipping of gifts to couple’s home
□ Finalise any outstanding payments to vendors
□ Collect and organise receipts for the couple’s records

2-4 Weeks After:
□ Assist in writing and sending thank-you notes
□ Help couple review videographer’s initial edit
□ Coordinate preservation of wedding bouquet (if desired)
□ Follow up on wedding insurance claim (if applicable)
□ Assist in changing names on official documents (if requested)

1-2 Months After:
□ Assist in creating and ordering wedding albums
□ Help couple review and rate vendors
□ Coordinate professional framing of wedding photos
□ Assist in organising a post-wedding celebration (if planned)
□ Help donate leftover flowers or décor to charity (if applicable)

2-3 Months After:
□ Follow up on honeymoon photos and memories
□ Assist in submitting wedding photos to publications (if desired)
□ Help organise a viewing party for wedding video
□ Coordinate storage or sale of wedding items
□ Conduct a final review meeting with the couple

□ Be available for any post-wedding queries
□ Provide vendor recommendations for anniversary celebrations
□ Assist with any issues arising from wedding services or products

Final Steps:
□ Request testimonial or review from the couple
□ Update your portfolio with photos and details from the wedding
□ Close out all wedding-related files and accounts

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