Invitation Wedding Template

An Invitation Wedding Template
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Mr and Mrs [Bride’s Parents’ Names] request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter

[Bride’s Full Name] to [Groom’s Full Name]

on [Day of the Week], the [Date] of [Month] [Year] at [Time]

[Name of Ceremony Venue] [Address of Ceremony Venue]

followed by a reception at [Name of Reception Venue] [Address of Reception Venue]

R.S.V.P. by [Date] [Contact Name] [Phone Number or Email Address]

[Optional: Dress Code, e.g. “Black Tie”]

[Optional: “Adults Only”]

[Optional: Gift Information, e.g. “Your presence is the only gift we require, but should you wish to make a contribution to our married life together, we would be most grateful.”]

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