Letter Template to complain about faulty goods

A Letter Template to complain about faulty goods to companies or traders.
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Dear [Name of Customer Service Representative],

I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the faulty [product] that I recently purchased from your company on [date]. I was very excited about my purchase, but unfortunately, the item has not lived up to my expectations.

[Describe the problem with the product in detail, including any specific issues or defects.]

I am very disappointed with the quality of the product, and I believe that it does not meet the standards of your company. I have attempted to resolve this issue by [insert any actions taken], but I have not received any satisfactory resolution.

As a consumer, I have certain rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. I would like to request a refund or replacement of the faulty [product] as soon as possible. I believe that this is a fair and reasonable request given the circumstances.

Please let me know how you plan to proceed with my complaint, and what steps you will be taking to resolve this issue. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

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