Letter to complain to an energy supplier

A letter template to complain about a service from your energy supplier
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Dear [Energy Supplier],

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the quality of service that I have received from your company. As a long-standing customer of yours, I have always trusted that your services would meet my expectations, but unfortunately, this has not been the case recently.

Over the past few months, I have noticed a significant increase in my energy bills, despite no noticeable increase in my energy usage. I have attempted to contact your customer service team several times to inquire about the reasons behind these increases, but I have been met with unhelpful responses and a lack of transparency regarding the calculations behind my bills.

Furthermore, I have also experienced frequent power outages and disruptions to my energy supply, which have caused significant inconvenience and disruption to my daily life. Despite reporting these issues to your company, I have yet to receive any satisfactory resolution or explanation as to why these problems are occurring.

As a loyal customer of your company, I believe that I deserve better treatment and more transparency regarding the services that I am paying for. I urge you to take immediate action to address these issues and provide me with a satisfactory resolution to my concerns.

I would appreciate a prompt response from your team regarding the actions that you plan to take to rectify these issues. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]

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